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What is a PATRIOT

It is time to stop admitting people with the Covid virus into hospitals if they have not received the vaccine.  They made the choice NOT to get Vaccinate and should pay the price.  They are taking hospital beds for other individuals that really need to be in the hospital for emergencies or other life saving surgeries.

I find it interesting that the majority of the unvaccinated individuals are republicans and they have decided to reduce their voting power by killing themselves off in this manner.  It looks good for us vaccinated Democrats to win future elections.

I never realized republicans were in the lower half of the intelligence scale in the good old USofA until the Covid Virus hit.

The legal age for buying any gun should be 21.  Except for the police and military, I am for a total ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines for any gun owned by the general public.  They are made for one thing, killing people and I have seen it first hand. For all of you nuts that want to go out and kill school children with your assault rifles, do some good and point your guns in a safe direction, specifically towards NRA assault rife supporters, NRA leadership, gun lobbyists, and republican politicians who take political donations (bribes) from them.

General Politics

If the republicans are always saying they are for less government, then why are republican states passing laws restricting voter rights.  Republicans don't want to pass laws restricting gun purchases, which can be used in mass murders, but they do want to place restrictions on abortions.  What the hell is that all about.  Are they stupid or just speaking out of both sides of their mouths.


To bad the gunman missed on 12 Jul 2024.  Two inches further to the right and the country would have been much better off.

Here are some other good targets:

1.  Clarence Thomas 

2.  J.D. Vance

3,  Marjorie Taylor Green

4  Lauren Boebert

5.  Jim Jordan

​6.  Clarence Thomas

7.  Samuel Alito Jr

8.   Elise Stefanik

9.   Mike Johnson

10  Steve Scales

11  John Barrasso

12. Ted Cruz

​13.  Lindsey Graham

14.  Josh Hawley

Corona Virus


Here are a few political issues I feel strong about.  You have your opinions that you feel strong about and I have mine.  You have the right to support your opinions and I have the right to support mine.  Don't attempt to argue with me on these issues.


Political Issues

A Patriot IS NOT a redneck who drives a full sized pickup truck with one or two oversized American Flags flying from the bed.

A Patriot DOES NOT support Donny T Rump and all of his lies.

A Patriot DOES NOT believe elections legally certified should be overturned.

A Patriot DOES NOT need to plant a sign in the front yard of their house announcing to the world they "Support Our Police".  They act like it is something new to them and they need the sign to prove it.

A Patriot DOES NOT support laws restricting Voter rights or limit Abortion rights


A Patriot DOES NOT believe the US should  only have one religion for all.

Carrying a concealed weapon DOES NOT make you a Patriot.

A Patriot DOES believe in Law and Order, and would never consider rioting against the US Government, restrict voting or block the certification of fair elections.

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